Monday, July 24, 2017

Why I Support Sheffield Place
Maureen Purcell, Advisory Council Member, Past Board President

There was a time in my life when I stood on the precipice of becoming homeless with a disabled husband and two young children.  With the help of others and by the grace of God, I was able to stay under my own roof.  I will never forget my lesson about the vicious cycle of poverty and the importance of getting help that break out of that cycle. When I was firmly established in my new happy life, I discovered Sheffield Place, a place that could have been my home at one point in my life.  I joined the Board in 2006 and have been a steady contributor to help women with children who find themselves in the place I almost was – homeless.  I view it as my way to give hope to women as I was once given by others.  I know the huge difference it can make in to have such support until lives can be turned around.  

Over my time and involvement with Sheffield Place, I have seen it grow from a single facility with 20 units supporting 20 families and their children to serving over 130 families a year.  In addition to housing, Sheffield Place also provides therapy, case management and group sessions on effective parenting, mindfulness, nutrition, and money management.  The number of hours these services have grown from 3 hours a week to 23 hours a week.  

What I love about Sheffield Place is that they serve the entire family and integrate services that address all the aspects that created the homelessness.  Unlike some shelters, the program offers shelter and supportive service such as intensive therapy, addiction recovery, and life skills training for as long as needed to stabilize the family, has some permanent housing available as well as ongoing supportive services beyond their time within the Sheffield Place housing.  This gives the family the best possible environment and support to make permanent changes to a healthier lifestyle.

I feel so grateful to be considered part of the Sheffield Place family.  I hope others will consider joining us to contribute to create better lives for the women and children Sheffield Place serves.