May 6,2020
By David Hanzlick – Director, Program and Development, Sheffield Place
[The post was requested by Country Club Christian Church as a part of their annual stewardship campaign.]
[The post was requested by Country Club Christian Church as a part of their annual stewardship campaign.]
The COVID-19 crisis has cast a dark shadow of uncertainty around the world and on the doorstep of Sheffield Place. The mothers worry about their health, the health of their children, their ability to stay clean and sober amidst the anxiety, and their ability to earn a living. The staff – while also under stress – work to reassure the clients that addiction and mental health recovery are possible and self-sufficiency can be achieved.
In this trying environment, the concern, kindness, and generosity of friends like the members of Country Club Christian Church are valued now more than ever. The Church found ways to help – by providing face masks made by the sewing guild, donating school and craft supplies, supplying funding for emergency needs, and feeding the clients and staff with delicious food lovingly prepared. All of this occurred at a time when volunteering onsite is suspended due to the pandemic.
These expressions of caring touch the hearts and feed the bodies and souls of the families. They know that they are not alone and that people in the community care about them and are cheering for their success.
Sheffield Place has long been blessed by the active partnership of the Church and its members – through Grace at Work and other volunteer days, sustaining grant support, the donation of handsewn items by the sewing guild, and the provision of meals and fellowship provided to the families several times each year by the Bough/Berry group.
It is during the isolation of COVID-19 that clients and staff become intensely aware now more than ever of the many ways our lives are touched by the Church’s love and compassion.