Friday, November 18, 2022

Hi, my name is Maureen Purcell. I am a current Board member for Sheffield Place. This organization is very near and dear to my heart. I once was close to being homeless with two little children and through the help of many hands, I was able to complete schooling and gain work that could support my family. I learned in those times how difficult it is to pull out of poverty all on my own.

Sheffield Place’s mission is to lead homeless women with children toward self-sufficiency. It provides a safe environment for them as the family gets to a place where they can live a much better life than they had.  I have been a donor since 2006 so that I could be one pair of silent hands by funding the care the women and children receive at Sheffield Place. It also is a way I can give back to the community that helped to stand me up so many years ago.

We are coming upon the holiday season which is a great time to open our hearts to the grateful lives we lead
and a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the lives not just of the mothers but also their children. It is a gift that can have a lasting effect for generations if the cycle that brought the family to Sheffield Place is broken. Please consider making this one of your charitable organizations for giving.

Thanks for reading my story - hope the rest of this year as well as the upcoming one is full of grace and blessings for you and your own family.